Sunday, December 27, 2009

Drawings done up to the 21

Here is a bunch of drawings I did up to the 21st of December. As usual... NOT all the drawings I did up till then... Just the ones I figured would be OK to show online.

I recently got a new model who might be willing to give me a few pose pictures in exchange for a few character art pictures. A huge thanks to Blbunny who can be found here for letting me so graciously use her likeness to create my art.

One of the things I like to feel balanced is try and make a male sketch for every female sketch I do... you could say this is BLbunny's male counterpart.

A female drawing done around the 14th of December.. a vary difficult night for me to concentrate. There is a allot of pages under that drawing I did not feel comfortable with showing...

A drawing inspired by BLbunny, World of Warcrack, and the new 'Torchlight' game art I saw in a magazine for video games while a barns and nobles.

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