Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And still more drawings done around the 24th

And here is still more drawings that I did on X-mas Eve. I did end up paying for not going to bed early by not getting a Xmas present... but when you feel like your learning something... who need a gift?

Yet another 'Bold New World' drawing... a 'lightly' armored shield girl with a revolver so that when she rests it on the shield to shoot, it won't jam like a semi-auto with a slide gun will. I don't think real Swat teams use dots sights, but I like the mechanical form so much for them, I decided to go with it anyway.

A basic environmental drawing. I don't do those enough so Im going to start doing more of them now that I have a 'pretend a game' concept to work on.

A basic infantry man for the 'Brave New World', 'Pretend a game' concept of the month.

Another Punisher Inspired drawing of bad guys duel-wield, and gangster-fisting guns. Don't worry, he will die horribly in the next frame. :-)

More drawings done around the 24th.

I have had allot time to relax and draw lately with it being the holidays... so here yet another round of drawings.

Back when I was a young teen, my favorite comics where the Punisher comics. As often as was the case, the Punisher would blaze through bad guys with a belt fed machine gun, and send them cart wheeling over themself with huge belt fed monster machine gun. So this guy is about to do a 540 degree cartwheel.

For every female drawing I do, there must be a male drawing too. Unfortunately, I must of forgot I was drawing a male and decided to showed more leg then I should be comfortable showing...

This is the start of my pretend a game, based in a Brave New Wold Setting. Influences for this universe will be the Original Halo Series, Star Trek, and the New Avatar Movie.

This is yet another drawing dedicated to BL bunny. I like to think of this as her 'level 80 mage'.

And here is a drawing of her mage as it should look right about now at 61ish... Thanks again to BL bunny for being a huge inspiration to me. You got me off my alts, and on my ass again. :-)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

More Drawings done around the 22

Here is more drawings I did around the 22 while hanging out with Ze'ev at his place for the holidays.

Here is another drawing I did for Borderline Bunny. It's not her favorite drawing, but I do like it for the energy of the pose.

Two drawings of nearly similar costumes. Both have nearly identical uniforms, but one is purposefully made to to look lawful with the other chaotic.

A drawing based off a quick glance at one of BL Bunny's Photos. I'm not happy with it and will redo it in the near future.

Drawings done up to the 21

Here is a bunch of drawings I did up to the 21st of December. As usual... NOT all the drawings I did up till then... Just the ones I figured would be OK to show online.

I recently got a new model who might be willing to give me a few pose pictures in exchange for a few character art pictures. A huge thanks to Blbunny who can be found here for letting me so graciously use her likeness to create my art.

One of the things I like to feel balanced is try and make a male sketch for every female sketch I do... you could say this is BLbunny's male counterpart.

A female drawing done around the 14th of December.. a vary difficult night for me to concentrate. There is a allot of pages under that drawing I did not feel comfortable with showing...

A drawing inspired by BLbunny, World of Warcrack, and the new 'Torchlight' game art I saw in a magazine for video games while a barns and nobles.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Girl on bike now

I now added my usual back ground tone to make it easier to layer mask and look at my image. I moved around some of the lines thinking the butt could be bigger. And I'm also almost finished color masking my colors out to better help me paint the image without painting over areas I don't want to go into.

Sadly it may be a while till I get back to this image. I have over 100 other images to scan in and clean up still.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Start of.. Girl on a bike

Look at all that bloody mess linework!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

MADC Logo Artwork Sketches

Hello, sorry I was not able to post this earlier. I just heard about this contest earlier in the week and wished to add a few sketches of my own. These are vary rough sketches and need to be redone for print.

PS: And sorry about the misprint. I drew these up before realizing that it was MADC, not MADG.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's Mother's day

It's mother's day, Nobody loves you like your mom.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Entry Man

Start of new concept... Pencils where finnished in less then 2 hours, time for photoshop to do its magic.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dr. Contagious Republic Scripter extraordinaire

Here is what I been doing so far....

Some roughs...

My line drawings so far...
Even added a bit of color to one... (just to see what I feel like.)
Hope you like the work so far!